Irene Sylvan and Angela R. Watts are compiling a fantasy anthology, and royalties will be donated to Gary Sinise Foundation.

The theme of this anthology is “don’t let the darkness win.” We want your stories of grit, of broken hands reaching for the light, of tired souls never giving up. The genre is fantasy, with subgenres including urban fantasy, epic fantasy, low fantasy, kingdom fantasy, noblebright, etc. Have an idea, but aren’t sure if it works? Email us about it and we’ll discuss it. We’re not looking for heavy romance or smut, however. Violence and swearing is fine. No works by AI or works edited by AI will be considered.

The word count guideline is 3,000 – 10,000 words. We may be lenient on the final length, so don’t hesitate to ask if your story could work, even if it’s outside of these bounds. We’re also accepting poetry, and poems do not have a minimum word count.

Please send your submission as a Microsoft Word Document via email. Be sure to include the following information in your query: your name (and penname, if applicable), the story title, the story word count, a pitch that describes the story in three sentences or less, your author bio, a link or two to your major social media platforms, and your contact information. Your story should be submitted as a Word document with Times New Roman 12 pt font, double spaced, with page numbers. You can email your submission to Submissions open January 1st and close March 1st.

Accepted authors will be given a contract to sign. All royalties from the anthology will be donated to the Gary Sinise Foundation. The selected stories will be professionally proofed, but they should already be edited and in the best shape you can get them. The anthology will receive a professional cover design and will be published on Amazon KDP as an ebook and paperback. No AI will be used to create or publish the anthology. We do expect authors to market the anthology to the best of their abilities, so if you’re interested in a fun, collaborative team project for a dedicated cause, this is the anthology for you.